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/ Amiga Collections: Auge 4000 / Auge 4000 #36 (1989-09-08)(Amiga User Gruppe Einzugsgebiet 4000).zip / Auge 4000 #36 (1989-09-08)(Amiga User Gruppe Einzugsgebiet 4000).adf / fonts / Helvetica / 12 / Helvetica-12.otf (.png)
OpenType Font  |  1988-04-11  |  18KB
Labels: door | fence | reckoner | road | sky | web site
OCR: abcdefghijk Imnop qrstuvwyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP QR ZAXYYY 01 23456789 ~!@#$ % {]{}|":;/? The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 18 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The brown fox jum ps over the lazy dog 3E The quick brown fox jum over the lazy dog 48 The quick brown fox jurr over the 1a.zy 6op 60 The guick brown iu trl DYer the 7 2 TF uick br DYeI stuvwxvz CDEFGHIJKi MNOP TUVWXYZ oYer jurri IaZY